Saturday, January 7, 2012

Illustrating changes in the Structure of the Malaysian Economy Empirically

Illustrating changes in the Structure of the Malaysian Economy Empirically

∆X = X1 – X0

= R[E1 – E0) + µ1(D1 –D0) + µ1(A1 – A0)X0 + (µ1 - µ0) (A0X0 + D0) ]


∆X = change between 2 years (eg 2010 & 2000; 1990 & 1970)

= changes in domestic demand & changes in export & changes in technological efficiency (or inefficiency?)

in other words:

we can see whether the Economy is export-led or or whether it is domestically-driven or whether technology is a key driver of the economy .....

So there you go - you can prove many things using numbers



In an open Leontief system, the basic material balance between supply and demand can be written as:

                  X = D + W + E – M                                                                                          (1)

Where X, D, W, E and M are respectively vectors of gross output, domestic final demand, intermediate demand, export demand, and import.

Noting that the intermediate demand of ith sector can be determined by by multiplying the input-output coefficients by total sectoral output as  W = AX (where A is the matrix of input coefficients), while the import ratio can be computed as import to total domestic supply as mi = Mi /(Di + Wi) Chenery 1979).

Because import ratio, mi = Mi /(Di + Wi)

Therefore, Mi = mi (Di + AiXi)

Equation (1) can be written as:

                  X = D +AX + E – m (D + AX)

                 = (I – m) D + (I – m) AX + E                                                    (2)

By putting µ = I – m (where µ represents the diagonal matrix of domestic supply),

                  X = µD + µAX + E                                                 

                  X – µAX = (µD + E)

                  X (1 - µA) =D + E)

                  X = (I- µA)-1(µD + E)                                                                (3)

By taking “∆ decomposition measure” (utilized by Kubo and Robinson 1979), and because R =  (I- µ1 A1)-1

                  X = X1 – X0

                       = R(µ1D1 + E1) – X0

    = Rµ1D1 + RE1 – X0           

    = Rµ1D1 – Rµ1D0 + Rµ1D0 + RE1 – RE0 + RE0 – X0     

                     = Rµ1(D1 – D0) + Rµ1D0 + R (E1 – E0 ) + RE0 – X0         

                = Rµ1 D + RE + 1D0 + RE0 – X0

The last three terms of the above expression can be expanded as follows:

         1D0 + RE0 - X0

                = 1D0 + RE0 - RR-1 X0  

                = 1D0 + RE0 – R (I - µ1 A1 )X0

                        = Rµ1D0 + RE0 – RX0  + Rµ1 A1 X0

 = Rµ1 A1 X0   + Rµ1D– R (X– E0)

 = 1 A1 X0 - Rµ1A0X0  + Rµ1 A0 X0 + 1D0  – R (X0  – E0)

= 1 (A1 -A0) X0  + Rµ1 A0 X0 + 1D0  – R (X0  – E0)

              = Rµ1AX0  + Rµ1 (A0 X0 + D0)  – R (X0 E0)

From equation (1),

                  X = D + W + E – M                 

i.e.           X – E = D + W – M


                  (X0 – E0) = D0 + W0 – M0

                                    = (D0 + A0X0 ) – m0 (D0 + A0X0)

                                    = (1 – m0) (A0X0 + D0)

                                    = µ0 (A0X0 + D0)


                  X            = X1 – X0

                  = Rµ1 D + RE + 1D0 + RE0 - X0

= Rµ1 D + RE + 1AX0  + Rµ1 (A0 X0 + D0)  – Rµ0 (A0X0 + D0)

= Rµ1 D + RE + 1AX0  + R (µ1 – µ0) (A0 X0 + D0)

= Rµ1 D + RE + 1AX0  + Rµ(A0X0 + D0)   

 = R [µ1 D + E + µ1AX0  + µ(A0X0 + D0)]   

From equation (4), the decomposed ∆X can be expressed as follows:

∆X = Rµ1D represents the change in domestic demand

        + R∆E represents the change inn export demand

        +Rµ1AX0 represents the change in intermediate demand

       + Rµ(A0X0 + D0) represents the change in import substitution

The decomposition equation can be defined by using initial year structural coefficients and terminal year weights as follows:

X            = X1 – X0

= R [µ1 D + E + µ1AX0  + µ(A0X0 + D0)]   


D = (D1 –D0), E =  (E1 – E0),  A = (A1 – A0),  µ =  (µ1 - µ0),  therefore:

X            = R [µ1(D1 –D0) + (E1 – E0) + µ1(A1 – A0) X0 + (µ1 - µ0) (A0X0 + D0)]

Where subscripts 0 and 1 designate the initial year and terminal year, respectively.


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