Monday, January 9, 2012

The Bible, the Qu'ran and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge -Dr. Maurice Bucaille

The Bible, the Qu'ran and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge 

Book Description

January 30, 2003
The Bible, the Qur'an, and Science is an objective study of the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Qur'an. This book seeks to spiritually unite by highlighting similarities in the texts. It sheds new light and dispels many preconceived ideas in separating what belongs to Revelation from what is the product of error or human interpretation.
  • As a person in the scientific field, I don't accept or 'believe' anything if it did not make sense or if it was not supported by scientific facts.
There are a lot of contemporary scientific facts and theories:
- The Big Bang theory in the creation of the universe.
- The expansion of the universe.
- Water is the basis of life
- Living creatures, including humans, are made mostly of water.
- The embryonic protective layers
- The medicinal properties of honey
- ... ... etc
All these facts are mentioned in the Quran as the author explains. After reading the book, I paused for a while and then said:Hmmmm!
Re-examining one's self and one's faith almost immediatly follows.
Of course, everyone can come to whatever conculsion they wish. My personal conclusion is: I am one step closer to finding the Truth.  
  • An awesome book that explains the scientific aspects of Quran and Bible and their historic accuracies. This would perhaps explain why the muslim world dominated the field of science in the early history of Islam. This book takes the cast concrete scientific observation and data [and not scientific theories per se] as the touchstone for measuring scientific accuracies and compares and contrasts the Holy scriptures of Bible and Quran. It is a very good book that provides relevence to the scriptures in the current scientific age. Christians introducing themselves to Islam should perhaps have a copy of this book as a companion to Islamic study. I'm not sure I would recommend the same for Biblical studies and an introduction to christianity. 
  • Maurice Bucaille's book was a very interesting one, bringing up some fascinating points. Although he is not the most gripping writer, he manages to convey his arguments effectively. Strangely enough, some other readers read the exact same book and concluded that it was a book of "wild allegations" that were readily refuted by their "scientist" friends. Interestingly enough, muslims readily find renowned non-muslim scientists that will back up qur'anic accuracy (Keith Moore, for example, world renowned embryologist, has a text book in its fifth edition that has been translated into at least half a dozen languages). Whether the Qur'an is the truth or not is up to you to decide. Desire the truth, and God will lead you to the truth; desire a lie, and God will lead you to that lie. If one has already made up his or her mind that islam is a lie, than thats what that person will find; no one can change his or her mind. If one decides that they want the truth, no matter what, then who knows?

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The Bible, The Qur'an and Science
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The Bible, The Qur'an and Science

by Dr. Maurice Bucaille


 Translated from French

by Alastair D. Pannell and The Author

Table of Contents

bulletGeneral Outlines
bulletOrigins of the Bible
bulletThe Books of the Old Testament 
bulletThe Torah or Pentateuch
bulletThe Historical Books
bulletThe Prophetic Books
bulletThe Books of Poetry and Wisdom
bulletThe Old Testament and Science Findings
bulletThe Creation of the World
bulletThe Date of the World's Creation and the date of Man's Appearance on Earth
bulletThe Flood
bulletPosition Of Christian Authors With Regard To Scientific Error In The Biblical Texts
bulletA Critical Examination
bulletHistorical Reminder
bullet Judeo-Christianity and Saint Paul
bulletThe Four Gospels
bullet Sources and History
bulletThe Gospel according to Matthew
bulletThe Gospel according to Mark
bulletThe Gospel According to Luke
bulletThe Gospel according to John
bulletSources of the Gospels
bulletHistory of the Texts
bulletThe Gospels and Modern Science
bullet The General Genealogies of Jesus
bulletThe Genealogies of Jesus
bulletThe Book of the Genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham
bulletGenealogy of Jesus, before David
bulletGenealogy of Jesus, After David
bulletVariation in the Manuscripts and in Relations to the Old Testament
bulleta) Matthew's Gospel
bulletb) Luke's Gospel
bulletCritical Examinations of the Texts
bullet1. The Period from Adam to Abraham
bullet 2. The Period from Abraham to David.
bullet3. The Post-David Period.
bulletCommentaries of Modern Experts in Exegesis
bulletContradictions and Improbabilities in the Descriptions
bulletDescriptions of the Passion
bulletJohn's Gospel does not describe the Institution of the Eucharist
bulletAppearences of Jesus raised from the Dead
bulletAscension of Jesus
bulletJesus's Last Dialougue - The Paraclete of John's Gospel
bulletAuthenticity of the Qur'an
bullet How It Came to be Written
bulletThe Creation of the Heavens and the Earth
bulletDifferences from and resemblances to the Biblical Description
bulletThe Six Periods of the Creation
bulletThe Qur'an does not lay down a sequence for the creation of the Earth and Heavens
bulletThe basic process of the formation of the Universe and the resulting composition of the Worlds
bulletSome modern Scientific data concerning the formation of the Universe
bulletThe Solar System
bullet The Galaxies
bulletFormation and Evolution of Galaxies, Stan and Planetary Systems
bulletThe Concept of the Plurality of the Worlds
bullet Interstellar Material
bulletConfrontation with the data in the Qur'an concerning the creation
bulletAnswer to Certain Objections
bulletAstronomy in the Qur'an
bulletA. General reflections concerning the Sky
bulletB. Nature of Heavenly Bodies
bulletThe Sun and the Moon
bulletThe Stars
bullet The Planets
bulletThe Lowest Heaven
bulletC. Celestial Organization
bulletThe Existence of the Moon's and the Sun's Orbits
bullet1. The Moon's Orbit
bullet2. The Sun
bulletReference to the Movement of the Moon and the Sun in Space With Their Own Motion
bulletThe Sequence of Day and Night
bulletD. Evolutions of the Heavens
bulletThe Expansion of the Universe
bulletE. The conquest of Space
bulletThe Earth
bulletA. Verses containing general statements
bulletB. The Water cycle and the Seas
bulletThe Seas
bulletC. The Earth's Relief
bulletD. The Earth's Atmosphere
bulletElectricity in the Atmosphere
bulletThe Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms
bulletA. The Origins of Life
bulletB. The Vegetable Kingdom
bulletBalance in the Vegetable Kingdom
bulletThe Different Qualities of Various Foods
bulletReproduction in the Vegetable Kingdom
bulletC. The Animal Kingdom
bullet1. Reproduction in the Animal Kingdom
bullet2. References to the Existence of Animal Communities
bullet3. Statements Concerning Bees, Spiders and Birds
bullet4. The Source of the Constituents of Animal Milk
bulletHuman Reproduction
bulletReminder of certain basic concepts
bulletHuman Reproduction in the Qur'an
bullet1. Fertilization is Performed by Only a Very Small Volume of Liquid
bullet2. The Constituents of the Fertilizing Liquid
bullet3. The Implantation of the Egg In the Female Genital Organs.
bullet4. Evolution of the Embryo inside the Uterus
bulletThe Qur'an and Sex Education
bulletThe Flood
bulletThe Exodus
bulletThe Exodus according to the Bible
bulletThe Exodus according to the Qur'an
bulletConfrontation between Scriptural data and Modern Knowledge
bullet1. Examination of Certain Details Contained in the Narrations The Hebrews in Egypt
bulletThe Plagues of Egypt
bulletThe Route Taken by the Exodus
bulletThe Miraculous Parting of the Waters
bullet2. The Point Occupied by the Exodus in the History of the Pharaohs
bullet3. Rameses II, Pharaoh of the Oppression Merneptah, Pharaoh of the Exodus
bulletThe Problem of the Stele Dating from the Fifth Year of Merneptah's Reign
bullet4. The Description Contained in the Holy Scriptures of the Pharaoh's Death During the Exodus.
bullet5. Pharaoh Merneptah's Mummy
bulletGeneral Conclusions

Back Cover

In his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears' away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Qur'an. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is the product of error or human interpretation. His study sheds new light on the Holy Scriptures. At the end of a gripping account, he places the Believer before a point of cardinal importance: the continuity of a Revelation emanating from the same God, with modes of expression that differ in the course of time. It leads us to meditate upon those factors which, in our day, should spiritually unite rather than divide-Jews, Christians and Muslims.

As a surgeon, Maurice Bucaille has often been in a situation where he was able to examine not only people's bodies, but their souls. This is how he was struck by the existence of Muslim piety and by aspects of Islam which remain unknown to the vast majority of non-Muslims. In his search for explanations which are otherwise difficult to obtain, he learnt Arabic and studied the Qur'an. In it, he was surprised to find statements on natural phenomena whose meaning can only be understood through modern scientific knowledge.

He then turned to the question of the authenticity of the writings that constitute the Holy Scriptures of the monotheistic religions. Finally, in the case of the Bible, he proceeded to a confrontation between these writings and scientific data.

The results of his research into the Judeo-Christian Revelation and the Qur'an are set out in this book.


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